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Enrollment Policies & Procedures

How to Enroll

Lincoln Elementary School is part of the Oakland Unified School District system. To enroll, please visit the OUSD enrollment page-

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At what age can my child enter Kindergarten?

Under California’s law, “The Kindergarten Readiness Act” (SB 1381), children must turn 5 years old on or before September 1 in order to enroll in Kindergarten. 

Younger children may attend Transitional Kindergarten (TK) once all children with November, October, and September fifth birthdays are served. Transitional Kindergarten is part of the public school system and is free to participating students.

School District Boundaries

Families living within the Lincoln school boundaries will likely be given Lincoln as their first choice. Visit the OUSD Map Center & School Finder for more maps of OUSD schools and their boundaries.