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Directions, Parking, Drop-off, Pick-up


Lincoln Elementary School is located in the heart of Oakland Chinatown. The school is next to Lincoln Square Park and the Lincoln Square Recreation Center. It is within walking distance of educational and cultural resources including two branches of the Oakland Public Library, and the Oakland Asian Cultural Center.

Address: 225 11th St, Oakland, CA 94607

Closest BART Stations: Lake Merritt, 12th Street City Center

AC Transit: 11th St. at Harrison St.

Bus Numbers: 1T Rapid, 33, 29, 40, 88, 96, 840


There is limited 2-hour metered street parking around the school.


  • Time: We need to keep our students safe when they come to school. Drop-off before 8:00am WILL NOT be supervised. It is important to remember that the recreation center is also used by our entire community and the school is NOT responsible for any children at the park before 8:15am. 
  • Location: The official drop-off zone for Lincoln students is on 10th Street. Please do not drop students off on 11th Street. 11th Street is a dangerous street with large buses in a special bus lane and a strong glare from the sun. The drop-off zone on 10th Street is for drop-off ONLY. Parents cannot parks cars in the drop-off zone. Cars parked in the drop-off zone will receive a ticket.
  • How-To: Please drive slowly and pay careful attention when entering and exiting the drop-off zone.
  • When entering the drop-off zone, pull all the way forward.
  • Let your student out of the car. 
  • After your student safely exits the vehicle, please slowly and carefully exit the drop-off zone.


After school parents/guardians/caregivers of TK, kindergarten and first graders may go to the classroom to pick up their children.

Second through fifth graders’ parents should meet their children on the yard. There is no adult supervision in Yard A, the playground with the Lincoln gates, Lincoln Square Park, or the area adjacent to the soccer field after dismissal at 2:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 1:15pm on Wednesday. For safety reasons, it is important that parents make arrangements for their children to be picked up in a timely manner when school is dismissed.