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Lincoln News
On Tuesday, January 14th, Lincoln School Site Council and Site English Language Learner Subcommittee members will be meeting for a critically important discussion about our school’s budget for the 25- 26 school year at 5:30 pm in the multipurpose room at Lincoln Elementary. Please attend this meeting, if you are able to make the time. OUSD Board President Ms. Jennifer Brouhard will be making time to hear from our community members during this meeting. We appreciate Ms. Brouhard for prioritizing our school’s needs
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OUSD offers music, language, hands-on learning and STEAM opportunities for preschoolers to seniors in high school. Our 106 schools are located in the country's second most racially diverse city and are spread across 78 square miles. We prepare students to be engaged civic leaders ready to pursue their college, career and post-K-12 educational dreams.